Thursday, October 22, 2009

3-4. The power of Satan grows so much, heading to total ruin

3-4. The power of Satan grows so much, heading to total ruin PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 08 August 2009 11:47
A typical characteristic of Satan is division.

The spirit of Satan does work to split the one thing into numerous particles by asserting self.

While man fail to recognize the whole, in a limited narrow scale - such as I, mine, my family, my relative, my friend, my group, my company, my country - man struggles keen competition in the field of politics, economy, community, culture, religion, etc.

While increased population makes the struggle harder upon the limited resources, this world is being filled with troubles day by day.

Human had some dim ideas toward the utopia adjusting the chaotic world.

Human history has many trials and errors to solve such problems by means of religion, law, moral sense, political idea, etc.

But the moral sense was just formal, the law was too much vulnerable, the political idea made another problems, religion became a tool to control people in the connection with the power.

Every trials toward the utopia have different sides, different faces.

Even more, time goes by, its dark portion grows bigger, deeper and wider than its light part.

The reason is that man is being controled by Satan.

Satan is a spirit of disunion and incomplete, all man-made religion, studies, laws, moral, political ideas are incomplete and break up.

Therefore this world has no other choice but to follow the Satan's plan.

Satan's goal is destroying God's LIFE completely.

Satan has two major plans to destroy the world completely.

First, swift attack.
Satan planed outbreak of world wars between communism and democracy looking forward quick and total destruction around the world.

Second, delayed attack.
Satan set up false messiah to steel man's spirit and then lead them to the cliff where they fall to die by themselves.

The first strategy - swift attack - was a scenario of total destruction of human race as a result of world war 3, as world prominent prophets and predictors foresaw.

But it became a failed strategy at the view point of Satan, since the Victor Christ had come on 15th Oct 1980.
The Victor Christ - God who defeats Satan - destroied the worldwide communism that is an evil spirit eager to break out wars.

The second strategy - delayed attack - is being used over a few thousands years;

For example, it set Jesus to be regarded as the savior of the world;
It poisoned people to the sweet false salvation theory saying that if you believe in Jesus, Jesus would purge away your sins, and more, you cannot die, even if you die, you will rise to meet Jesus someday, your soul would go to the Heaven, etc;
It does put man's conscience which actually purify this world under anesthesia, by means of their injustice and lewdness the world falls dead second by second toward the total ruin that is beyond recovery .

Especially the delayed attack uses a deceit tactic that the Satan wearing God's figures cheats sons of God, men.

For example, It distort real nature of man as a creature from earth to separate man from God essentially;
It teaches a theory of salvation with precondition of death so that man welcomes the spirit of Death, Satan, comfortable;
Furthermore, It utilizes their vested power in this sinful world to attack the Victor Christ;
It plays as the anti-christ to block the Messiah's Works of saving the world.

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