Thursday, October 22, 2009

7-3. The ego is the root of sins

7-3. The ego is the root of sins PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 08 August 2009 11:56

Based on self-respect and desire, it gives joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure.

It brings all sorts of evil passions, and that turns up to be seen all sorts of evil conducts and crimes in the world.

So, hurting someone's self-respect is the same thing as hurting a sleeping Satan.

When the self-respect is hurted, a strong man lays the strong man's evil, while a weak man lays the weak man's evil.

Because the self-respect is a Satan's protective layor.

For men are sinners who are under control of Satan,

when someone set a man stand on pride, the man feels good, and the man has good feeling toward the someone.

As this world is being ruled by Satan, so to speak, the sinful world,

It is naturally regarded as well-mannered and model virtue that protecting each other's pride, boosting each other's self-respect.

In this way, not only things sinner's favorite and virtue in sinners' society, but also everything that belong to sinner are biased toward Satan, as they have been done in the viewpoint of the Satan, for the Satan, by the Satan.

For example, The God of sinner is right the Satan.

On the other hand, the theory of sin in Bible is

"after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." (James 1:15)

This is to say the desire become the sin.

The desire does not desires, however, I do desire.

It is the perfect words to say that the ego which does desire is the root of sin.

As the ego is the root of sin, everyhing I do become commiting sins.

For example, the thing I believe in God is sin, the thing I pray to God is sin as well, even the thing I care for the poor is also sin.

No matter how good how amazing works I have done in this world,

while the works has been done by me (=I = ego = Satan),
It brings to a conclusion that I did just commit sins,
so no one could escape from death so far.

Therefore, the way toward salvation is proceeding the states step by step that leads the one do everything without me (=I = ego= Satan).

The way to go to the state of doing without me is removing me (=I = ego= Satan) in step by step manner.


remove things those are comming from my desire,
remove things those are comming from my pride,
remove desire itself,
remove pride itself,
then arrive at the state in which remove the ego for the first time.

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