Inquisitional judgement on Victor Christ | | | |
Saturday, 01 November 2008 15:28 | ||
Speaking of the conclusion first, the prosecution had devoted all their strength to impute a charge of instigating murder to Cho by all means of unlawfulness, they had failed.
Cho has been proved his innocence. The origin and the aim of this trial can be found in the Cho's oral preceeings in front of the court.
When Victory Altar was growing fast in its number of believers in early 1990s, a local news paper in USA got a big writeup regarding an issue that David Cho, the pastor in Full Gospel Church in YeoEeDho Seoul Korea, was contracted syphilis after having a sexual affair with a French prostitute, then let his wife got the same disease. Then I guess some of young people in Victory Altar copied the article and distributed to the people near the Full Gospel Church in YeoEeDho.
So the church has a grudge against Victory Altar. David Cho's wife, however, and the first lady of the President of Korea, Kim YoungSam, were in the same class at Ewha Womans University in Seoul and they were so close. The President, Kim YoungSam is an elder at church as well. So thay aimed to get rid of this man and the Victory Altar who is calling Jesus as a Satan. If you give Savior a feeling of being mistreated, however, the nation would become bankruptcy. If the Savior is punished with death on a false charge, not only nations would become bankruptcy but also the earth would explode.
Since it is so, the court case for Cho was a nasty means to an end that the vested rights wanted to get, and was an illegal trial that the procecution had dealings with offenders(murderers) for their sentences in favor of following their directions in the court; their directions were for the murderers to make false testimonies so that the court could sentence Cho death panalty and the murderers lighter one or a suspended sentence.
The means that used to kill Victor Christ included the highest authority in Korea, it's maid the judicature, journalism varnishing the truth and the Christianity in the background.
On the one object of getting rid of Victor Christ and Victory Altar, journalism distorted truth and facts about Victory Altar and made most Korean regard Victory Altar as a group of murderers, a group of fanatics, a group of sex-holic, a group of criminals, a closed pseudo-religion, etc.
Now please put all those stories you may have listened through journalism behind, then give the party concerned a chance to speak their own messages.
We have no doubts of your finding the reality; the reality such as how the playing the media has been done and what kind of illegal trial happened by the authority.
A doctrine in Victory Altar is regarding everybody as myself. This doctrine could be seen as a common words at a glance but this is the weapon of victory for God who is fighting against Satan.
God only sees the God in everyone. Cho, in God's possession, regards the gangster-like people as God, even though they beat on his head with their shoes when he came out from the worship. Cho, in Victor Christ's possession, is on a standing point of admittance and trusts to everybody. Cho would like to believe someone who told a lie in order to sell cheapy stuffs at higher price in the Altar. So some people used to make use of Cho's such nature and made their own interests from other followers, Altar and Victor Christ; that people includes the managing staffs in the Altar and ex-followers. As a result, many followers were to be tested in the battle against themselves.
Now you should understand this important part very clearly.
Our Savior's words means that the God in me must kill the Satan in me. Never dealing with the Satan in others. Let's say, for example, Tom is spoken badly by Jack. Tom get on his nerves because of Jack. Then Tom get angry at the matter. Next they scold at each other and may be in a fight. Such a scenario happens normally in this world. Because Tom may think in this way, if I would not do anything against Jack now, people around here would regard me as a bloody idiot. Inspecting the situations, by the way, of getting on nerves, getting angry, scolding and fighting, both Tom and Jack were defeated by Satan in them and their blood decayed badly in turn, they radiated the bad energy from Satan to influence people around them and contaminated air with the noxitron which is the matter of death so that they helped Satan to grow its power of death. So Never see Satan in others. Now this is the situation grounded on Savior's words. When Tom is spoken badly by Jack, Tom feels his nervous would like to go. In other words, Tom identified a Satan of nervous in him. Tom give it a Satan killing prayer at the very moment he identified it. "Satan of nervous! root out! wipe out!" then seek its origin. Need to make a question to myself like why I feel nervous about. As something I am wanting tends not to fulfill, I am feeling vervous about. So when Tom found that its root was Satan of desire, then give it another prayer "Satan of desire! root out! wipe out!". In the same manner, Tom kept to locate its root one by one until to reach the Satan of self-respect and then Satan of self-consciousness for the treatment. In this case, however, God in Tom won the Satan in him. When God win against Satan in him; the Satan in other will also be killed. The happenings in Tom whose God wins a Satan in him is that endorphin, a hormone, is produced in his blood. The endorphin is a matter of Life of God, creates T-lymphocyte which helps him to be young, healthy, strong against deseases and vital. And the effect is not only in Tom but also in world as his body radiates the matter of Life into those people around him and into the atmosphere. He adds the matter of God to the air that we take breath every moments to survive. So we must alway seek for Satan in me. After Satan in me were killed, God in me shell be stronger before God is resurrected in full. As God is a god of pleasure, whenever Satan in me were killed, pleasure will come as a response from God, and my heart will be filled by joy of peace and pleasure all the time. A heart contains no worries and no anxieties but contains peace and pleasure in every second, its body will not get older and become a body of God which is immortal in the end. Not only man's body become immortal but also every single objects in the world become immortal as well when the air is filled by the matter of Life of God. So to speak, this world turns to the Heaven on Earth.
A fact should be pointed out, by the way, that there are some people who are listening to the Victor's words but misunderstand and some people who understand the words but fail to practice.
This trial case which leaded our innocent Savior went into jail and caused our stainless true Load sacrificed himself in jail had started by some people who had attended in Victory Altart in the early stage of the altar but had made misunderstanding his words, then the case was persistently made bad use of plots and tricks by those Christianity; So that the Victor Christ and the Victory Altar has been branded as a bad group in Korea throughout series of intentional playing of media over long periods of time. It was known that three people were involved in 6 murder cases. Those murderers displeased with these victims including leading members who had sought for his own interests by using Victor and someone who had stopped attanding the altar and had done bad things against both Victor and Altar.
According to Victor's teaching, I can see someone's fault because the same Satan resides in me.
So when they(murderers) had seeen faults from those victims they should had regarded those faults as their own; then they should had killed Satans in them not in those victims. But they did not followed Victor's teaching but their usual habits instead.
They tried to persuade victims for the first time before killed a man by a mistake; then planed to kill next time; then won the third person over to their side; So they killed 6 people in total over 3 years from 1990, according to the investigation report.
It was an unsolved murder cases for 12 years before rose to the surface; when those murderers blackmailed and threatened Victor and Victory Altar out of money with a lawsuit. The bereaved families, on the other hand, tried to seek for the victims. But no one knew the murder cases.
In the similar period of time Mr. Thak, a publisher of a religious magazine, came to the altar to ask for money or he will judge Victor and Victory Altar as a heresy and a pseudo-religion on his magazine. Cho did not go with Mr. Thak and his magazine was started to be published full of distorted view and biased interpretation in a Christian's point of view over Victor and Victory Altar.
Not only on his magazine but also on TV he made many public speeches saying that he will get rid of Cho and Victory Altar as it is a heresy and a pseudo-religion at this risk of his life. Mr. Thak was warmly welcomed from the Church and they regarded him a hero as a result.
When Mr. Thak was found dead in front of his apartment stairs, every major medias in Korea mentioned especially the murder case regarding Victory Altar as a group of murderers. They got back on the air attacking Victor and Victory Altar as a murder group. But they had no evidence but having a belief.
Specially a KBS program, similar to 60 minutes in GB, was in the van of the attack on Victor and Victory Altar with distorted view and other criminals in the past so that most listeners recognize that all such vicious crimes are happening in the Altar; They also broadcasted it as a concluded manner that the murderer of Mr. Thak is in Victory Altar; They did not stop such distortions and damages done in secret but did everyday.
As a result, most people in Korea who watched TV and read newspapers have a false understanding of Victor and Victory Altar such as a group of murderers, a group of sex-holic, a group of fanatic, a pseuo-religion that must be get rid of.
Police arrested the murderer a week later while all medias kept attacking Victory Altar regarding as a group of murderers, a group of sex-holic, a group of fanatic and a pseuo-religion literally everyday.
A knife that was used in the crime was found near Mr. Thak's apartment and its handle was wrapped by a piece of calendar paper issued from a Christian church. There was some memos on the back of the paper so the police made phone calls one by one and could arrest the murderer at last.
The murderer had no relationship with Victory Altar but he was a private driver for a pastor in a newly-risen Christian church.
He followed the pastor as he respected for him and he saw the pastor was in trouble with Mr. Thak who kept asking for money and even the pastor gave money to him, Mr. Thak classed his church as a heretic one; The driver was not happy about that. When Mr. Thak was on air saying in public that he will get rid of Victory Altar at the risk of his life, he thought that it was a good chance to kill Mr. Thak because he assumed that no one would be suspected except Victory Altar and he would be safe; For he was taught how to kill enemy in his special military forces career, he did the crime easily and that was the motive of the murder case. A religional broker, who asked for money in favor of pacifying hash criticism, Mr. Thak's murder case was closed with no relationship with Victor and Victory Altar but there was no media dealt the fact in details but stoped attacking Victor and Victory Altar. The murderer was released after serving 2 years in jail. A current issues program team from KBS, Korean Broadcasting System, met those bereaved families and helped them form a committee of missing person, while they were looking for other stories to deal.
A few police officers in plain clothes came in the Altar pretending they were new followers and made wiretapping to check everything were going on around both Victor and Victory Altar. Some vicious rumors disappeared since they had started such a close investigation; rumors such as they do gang rape in the Altar, Cho has many concubines, Cho misappropriates funds, etc. Then Victor and Victory Altar began another suffering as the committee had digged out an alleged missing person's remains and the news was filled in whole 1st page of almost every newspapers and took a lot of time on the prime time TV news.
An incident, on the other hand, happened around the YuckGok market place that police officers in plain clothes tried to arrest Cho without a warrant of arrest. The eye witness at the scene that a few strong guies tried to force open the door of the car in which Cho set on was Mrs. Choi who was an ex-follower at that time. At that time, Cho made a phone call to altar to say that "regardless of identity of the man, let him go quickly." But Mrs. Choi did not followed the order but she kept her own decision; While she was triumphantly speaking what she had done to protect Cho in loud voice to other people in the altar. She slaped him on his cheek asking him to reveal his identity before she who was in quite a state was stopped by others in the altar;
But this incident became a pretext. Then, A formal warrant of arrest of snatch, confinement, assault and obstruction of a police officer was issued and Cho, who had nothing to do with the incident, was arrested.
The media was like a Johnny-on-the-spot to blow distorted vicious stories without dealing the reasons and the facts; It was a special writing on news papers and an exclusive news on TVs.
As seen so far the actual warrant that caused Cho to be arrested was upon suspicions on snatch, confinement, assault and obstruction of a police officer. The media resumed to make their own stories.
The prosecution could not cast such suspicions on Cho because he was innocent, so they changed warrant to other suspicions while Cho was still in custody; the other suspicions includes a murder instigation which is related the bones that the committee had found, and a donation fraud which is related to receive donation under the pretext of eternal life.
It was the first day of Victor Christ's trial. It was the biggest court room where a lot of crowd including reporters from all sort of media gathered. By the way, as the trial open, some people in the list of the missing people attended in the court as wittness and some other people in the list was located. And there was no evidences to make a relationship between the bones the committee had found and those missing people. Some accusers made a confession that they did not donated at all but somebody enticed them into doing this accusation because they gave an offer of money making. And some accusers who donated withdrew their application. Then almost nothing was left to go on the trial.
Like this way, the first trial was far from their, the media and the authorities, expectations, so there was no reporters and it was small court room from the next trial. And the situations about the first trial was not broadcasted at all even in a line nor in a comment.
A public prosecutor gathered other accusers, so called donation victims offering that they could receive money from the altar, then they took the trial to a donation fraud case under the pretext of eternal life. The charge causes were listed below: The defendant said that both Jesus and Buddha are Satans but he is God, so your donation will give you eternal life. The defendant said that he called himself as a Victor, a Christ, a God for receiving donation from belivers. The defendant said that if you believe in me you shall not die even if you intake coal gas.
The public prosecutor must be regarding all of followers as idiots. Could you follow a man who speaks like that ?
Anyway, those distorted contents that are too far from the real were judged in the court room. The court, however, sentenced guilty of fraud; And those who wrote down the amount of fake donation received money in full; Cho was sentenced to 30 month's servitude in February 1994.
Another trial of nonsense arose when Cho almost finished the wrong penal servitude for 30 monthes. The prosecutors stood Cho at the court room again with the charge of obstruction of a police officer that they failed to find suspicions during the first trial in 1994; and the charge of another donation fraud but different fake donors.
We need to check this out first before going on. The Korean Constitution has a declaration of prohibition against double jeopardy in chapter 13 vers 1: All people ... shall not suffer a punishment repeatedly based on the same crimes. And the code of criminal procedure takes form in details; should sentence dismissal of the case that already had a final judgement (chapter 326); should sentence dismiss the public action to the following prosecutes while the case is being prosecuted (chapter 327).
The second trial was an illigal act that an innocent man was judged with false donors who did not donate, and fabricated evidences that have no evidences except their testimonies among them. The second trial was an unlawful act because they tried the same crime which had done during same period of time and had done same actions, and the crime already had a final judgement. So it breaked the term of prohibition against double jeopardy in The Korean Constitution.
As the second trial was going wrong, a playing media followed as a tactical bombing. Missing person's bone found! There was another special writings. There was no relationship between the bone found and Cho's trial but the media made up their own story to release the fake in public.
A few days later the investigation released a report saying that the bone aged more than 100 years and was in a coffine, so the plot to entrap the altar to destruction was cleared because the altar aged just around 20 years. But most media was silent over the report while some of them dealt in a small space somewhere out-of-the-way corner in the paper.
It was a absurd that Cho was falsely accused again.
Mrs Choi who took a police in plain clothes to the altar and slapped him on his cheek 2 years ago was an fugitive at that time. She was the very witness who could make a testimony over the incident from the beginning to the end.
The altar could met her after a few asking around and the lawyer completed a testimony details from her; then it was submitted to the judge a day before the trial.
But what is going on here on the trial day.
As a witness for the prosecution appeared Mrs Choi in the court room!
Someone must passed the document that the lawyer submitted to the judge a day before to a public procecutor who then found Mrs Choi's address in it and got her and conciliated her. Mrs Choi denied every single her testimonies she had made to the lawyer the day before the trial and agreed with the procecutor's instead. That was not the only story but she was then one of those people who were demanding to return their fake donations. A public procecutor conciliated the defense witness who had been a fugitive so that she became a procecute witness and Cho was convicted of obstruction of a police officer.
It is nonsense that person who was living in rent house donated tens of millions of won. It is nonsense that person who had no place for sleeping and eating donated tens of millions of won. It is nonsense that person who left the altar and donated tens of millions of won. It is nonsense that person who is telling he met Cho in personal to give money, because Cho never meet person 1 to 1. On the other hand, someone recorded their talking while they were making plot together and the tape was passed to the altar. Here is their conversation: Mrs So-and-so received money even she did not donate, so just write down the amount and date, then I will say that I saw you donate and we all are going to say that we saw you donate, that will be ok, the procecution is also our side, so just write down like that, and we can share the money when you receive.
We had such a complete evidence of fake donation and illigals but the court refused to select this conversation as a evidence; The court in 1996 sentenced Cho another 4 years in jail and some of those were paid. And the second trial took 6 monthes while Cho was still in jail, and the period of 6 monthes did not accumulated to his sentence. So He had served 7 years in jail in total before was paroled on 15 August 2000.
The following is what Cho said on the very next day of his parol during the morning service at the YuckGok altar. The parol means that there is no sins. If there are sins, they will not give me parole but let me stay to serve in full as sentenced. This man has come out from a comfortable prison for 7 years.
But It looked like that Cho was lame of one leg, has a chin swaying, a slight crook in his mouth and has a denture.
Cho occupied the pulpit everyday as same as before; he led morning service at the YuckGok altar mostly and then visited local altars over the country so he had minimum 5 times of services and meetings per a day literally everyday. He had literally no holiday but continued to give grace to everybody.
About in 2002, two of murders, KimXX and JoXX, started to send a threatening letter to the altar. Saying that If they are not paid the money, they would testify that they killed people on the orders of Cho.
They did not be paid from the altar so they increased the level of the threatening by making a video tape that contains the images of testfying the fake story. They made a threat that asking money or sending the tape to the prosecution.
Cho did not answer to the threat and the prosecution took the tape at last in July 2003.
Then the unsolved missing case turned up to be murder cases 12 years later and all those murders were arrested while Cho was arrested on a charge of murder instrigation. Cho was found not guilty on the charge of murder instigation at the first trial in February 1994.
But the court declared Cho guilty on charge of the murder instigation based on those murderer's fake testimonies, so Cho was sentenced death panalty, the principal offender NaXX death panalty, an accomplice KimXX imprisonment for life, an accomplice JoXX 12 years in prison.
Here are their fake testimonies: The principal offender NaXX testified that he received orders from Cho directly. The accomplice KimXX testified that both he and NaXX received an order from Cho directly for 1 of 6 cases and he heard from NaXX that NaXX received orders from Cho for 5 cases. The accomplice JoXX testified that he heard from NaXX that NaXX received orders from Cho.
But in the court of appeal, those murderer's testimonies changed to 180 degrees and the unlawful act of the public prosecutor arose to the surface.
The principal offender asked for the right to speak during the trial and said that he had never received an order from Cho and never had told KimXX and JoXX that there had been an order from Cho. And this testimony is 180 degrees different from the one in the previous court.
He said that in the previous court he made a lie because he got angry at the altar that they would not help him and the public prosecutor promised that if he follows their directions, he would be sentenced imprisonment for life; but death panaly; then he was suffering from a guilty conscience and told the truth; he never met Cho regarding the murder cases.
And he also testified the motive of the murder cases; he saw those victims had been doing damages to both Cho and Victory Altar; and he tried to persuade but they did not listen; so with KimXX who sympathized with my opinion and JoXX who was drawn in, we did kill them; So Cho had nothing to do with those murder cases. Then the accomplice JoXX made a turning over his testimony as well.
The public prosecutor SimXX promissed me that if I follow his plan in the court, I will be sentenced probation or 2 ~ 3 years in prisonment in maximum; so I did not think any further and signed on the written statement without reading it; and in the court I answered "yes, I heard" to the things actually I should say "no, I did not"; and I answered "yes, I did" to the things actually I should say "no, I did not".
As the hearing at the court of appeal went on, unlawful acts in the trial itself became certain.
The principle offender NaXX testified that the prosecutor visited everyday to make a deal offering that: "you will be sentenced death panalty because you killed men." "But KimXX and JoXX made a deal with me so KimXX will be sentenced to 20 years and JoXX probation." "But if you make a deal with me and testify as I say, you will be sentenced imprisonment for life."
Then he said that the prosecutor showed him those written arraignment for both KimXX and JoXX but not his so he asked for his but the prosecutor would not show his. So he asked judge for his written arraignment to have a look.
And he made a question to all: I am a boss and they are my henchmen. The boss makes an order and the boss kills man and the boss moves the body and the boss digs the earth and the boss bury it while his henchmen keep a watch. So one of henchmen who helped the boss a little is sentenced to 20 years in jail and the other who only kept a watch is sentenced probation. Does this story written by the public prosecutor make sense?
Moreover, He testify the public prosecutor said that: My gole is taking off both Cho and Victory Altar but I feel regret for catching you. Those testimonies from KimXX and JoXX should be enough to remove Cho but you spoiled all my plans.
In the court of appeal, for the principal offender revealed the truth and those testimonies in the previous court was uncovered as lies based on the deal between those murderers and the public prosecutor; The judge could not help sentencing Cho not guilty.While those murderers were sentenced same as before.
You have seen the realities of violation of human rights in Korean trial system where the prosecution manipulates the case to get their own aims; and depends on only those verbal evidences from murderers, an innocent man could be sentenced to death or not guilty.The public prosecutor tried to deal with the charge of providing shelters to criminal after the murder instigation charge had turned up to be not guilty.
But the reality of the charge of providing shelter to criminal is this; One of accomplice Mrs Park, who had no ideas of those murder cases but asked to make a phone call to some of the victims to meet at somewhere, had been supported by a leading member in the Pusan altar and he had taken care of her like his own daughter since long ago.
When she was in economic troubles, she asked for helps to him who had no ideas of the murder cases. He was in economic troubles too, so he thought that it would be better that the altar helps her.
Then when Cho came to the Pusan altar, he asked Cho for approval of helping pour familiy member with Pusan altar's money and he had received words saying that: That is the matter of the Pusan altar.
Thus It was not directed by Cho but a local altar did help her based on their own capacity. The judge, however, sentenced Cho to 2 years imprisonment on this charge.
Thus trials without fairness the prosecution put every efforts to make Cho guilty before remove him and Victory Altar.
He made a final appeal for the 2 years imprisonment and the prosecution did not forgive the murder instigation charge. Cho died on 19th June 2004 before the hearing at the court of the final appeal.
Then the Supreme Court dismissed the prosecution's final appeal because of Cho's dead, so that the final court fixed that Cho is not guilty in the murder instigation charge, guilty in the charge of providing sheter to criminal and sentenced 2 years imprinsonment.
The news of Cho's dead released wide and quick so the people who had fulfilled their aim held big parties all over the country.
Now for the people who have heard about Cho and Victory Altar only from the media, this is the list of all the actual court issues. 1. Cho never made orders of murder. 2. Cho proclaimed that the purpose of true religion is to make the mortal to the immortal; and received donation to build the Victory Altar; The court judged that receiving donation under the pretext of eternal life is a fraud; And He served total 7 years in prison. 3. Cho was sentenced guilty of obstruction of a police officer after the prosecution drew over the decisive defense witness to their side. 4. The sentence of 2 years imprisonment for the charge of providing shelter to criminal had given but acturally that is the local altar's issue nothing to do with Cho. These criminals could be said all criminals around Cho and Victory Altar; these criminals were all of that could be imposed by the best powers who have authorities and one aim of removing both Cho and Victory Altar; Law was applied like in this way: "different people call it different things". And every other vicious contents you may heard are nothing but groundless rumors.
Let's think about the donation fraud under the pretext of eternal life.What else do you have without eternal life out of the Bible? Eternal life, this is why religion exists. So the word eternal life is always spoken in the church. Even though they say eternal life after death which is far away in wrong to the purpose of religion, but they say it all the time. Since Cho had came out of MilSil to start His works with bare hands on 18th August 1981, it took him 10 years before the ceremony for the completion of the Victory Altar building on 12th August 1991 that was His 61th birthday. The building with 2 stories underground and 4 stories on the ground sits on around 1450 square meters land. When its construction was under way, every building meterials costs jumped up, specially the cements and the reinforcing rods, it took around 10 billion won; Korean donated about 1 billion out of 10 billions and others were mostly from Japan.
Fraud is receiving money from someone else by means of telling lies. So, the logic of the judgement is that receiving donation with preaching eternal life after death is legal while eternal life without death is illegal. Now let's see the Bible. We are looking forward to the time of the mortal to become immortal( 1 Corinthian 15:54) and the last enemy to be destroyed is death( 1 Corinthian 15:25).
Let's think about death of Cho who was preaching about ethernal life before death.Cho was a human body of Victor Christ, God, who gains victory against the Satan. Victor Christ is in the complete God's body which is immortal at the moment, since He had no choice without releasing the human body, Cho who died on 15th October 1980.
The complete God's body is the light that we named it as the Holy Due Spirit. So In the Victory Altar, we do not say that Victor Christ died but we say that Victor Christ has become the light which is His original form. The true savior, God, needed a human body to communicate with people who cannot see the body of the Victor Christ and cannot hear from the voice of the Victor Christ because of their sins, so the Victor Christ had maintained a human body, Cho from the day of victory on 12th August 1980 for 24 years. Victor Christ is a living object in different level of dimension and He had reduced his level to keep human's body so that His mission of salvation to be done.
The reason why the Victor Christ released the human body is that He had seen that Cho is finally sentenced to death in the Supreme Court (actually it is in the future at the time of appeal to the final court).
Even though the Victor Christ has a tremendous power, He never used the power for himself, So this is one of the evidence why He is the Victor Christ. He respected the worldly law as well. Even though the authorities manipulated the case and gave Him unfair sentences, He respected the results as well and suffered the painful sins because He regarded them as His own sins. But Savior cannot be named as a murder instigator for whatever reason or other, so before it happens, He had to leave the human body, Martar. Cho. If the Savior is gone to the scaffold, the earth would explode to destroy all; He had warned that in the court. So when they took all people's life as a hostage and delivered an attack against the Victor Christ, He who has a mission to save the world, had no choice.