6-2. Messiah is the enemy of Satan. | | | |
Saturday, 08 August 2009 11:52 |
If you were the person who believes in Messiah's comming.
As you don't know what Jesus looks like,
If Messiah comes in totally different form that is different way with your expectation, could you recognize the Messiah ?
... Until year 1960s when the Spiritual Mother (Park TaeSun the Elder) began his works and gave birth to the Victor Christ in 1980, allmost all people irrespective of their title in the established churches - such as ministers, fathers, elders and lay believers - believed that the Heaven is somewhere up in the air, and argued for and against that the Forbidden Fruit is an apple or pear or pig or some other fruit.
It is just about 20 years of recent development for the established church goers to understand that all words in Bible are spiritual words.
These forms of Jesus's comming again listed above were written by people who believed that the Heaven is somewhere up in the air. To make Jesus Messiah, they wrote the story in their viewpoint to the Heaven, God, Messiah, etc. But, As all words in Bible are spiritual words, the Heaven is nowhere else but in human mind. For this reason, such imaginations of Jesus's comming again were only connectable to those ancient-minded people who recognized earth as a flat land. Jesus said : I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes (Matthew 10:23). How many eschatologists who truely believed Jesus's comming again and how much fusses they aroused over 2000 years !
You should distinguish lie from true judgeing from his words never realized till now over 2000 years. Calling this world as sinful world means this world is belong to sinners, and that means Satan has authority in this world. As sin is a slave of Satan, sinner's god is nothing but Satan. As many sinners who believe in the false God in this sinful world, as stronger the Satan's power, as deeper the world's corruption. To whom has eyes, see this ! To whom has ears, hear this !
The words "the day of the Lord will come like a thief' (2 Peter 3:10) means this : Messiah is the protagonist whose mission is overturnning this sinful world. Messiah's work is taking back the lost world of God from Satan. For that reason, The false messiah must be welcomed in the sinful world as it is the king of sinners and the king of satans. On the other hand, The true Messiah must be rejected in the sinful world as It is sinner's enemy. In John chapter 14 Jesus reported the truth, and more different words.
Now, Let's think about it in a common sense. First, If Jesus sowed the seed of unchangeable truth 2000 years ago, there is no needs other perfection come. Second, Messiah should possesses the Truth and the Ability; If Jesus possessed those Truth and Ability, this would should have been united into one in Jesus's truth throughout 2000 years. Nevertheless, How much diffent the reality is ! Within Jesus's truth, for example, the world have so much different explanations already, it is changing itself all the time, it devides itself into multi thousands sects already, furthermore, they who believes in same Jesus in Bible are fighting againt each others based on the idea that they are orthodox but others are pseudo and heresy.
Why this things happen ?
The imperfect is playing a king in this world.
On the Load's day, the perfection came in the world where the imperfection has taken sovereign. The perfection breaks the imperfection apart so the imperfection is likely to lost own sovereign. But the imperfection will not step back from own supremacy, it does put every efforts ways and means to remove the perfection exactly as they did so far in human history. But ... The final winner has already been announced : when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears (1 Corinthian 13:10).
It would be just a little delay. The delay to wake people from reverie who can't see reality in the darkness. |
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